Your speedy guide to web3 wallets & how to easily make one with MetaMask

It is essential you own a Web3 wallet if you’d like to use a blockchain-based application (dApp - decentralized app). These wallets are designed to store, manage and transfer digital assets and facilitate interactions with dApps. Digital assets can include cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and various digital tokens.

Here’s a speedy guide on how to create your own with one of the most popular wallet providers— MetaMask.

1. Install MetaMask for your browser

Note: Before downloading your browser extension, ensure your URL reads correctly as

2. Create a new wallet

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3. Create a Password

This password will only allow you access to the extension on the browser you're currently using. To gain access to your wallet away from this browser extension you will need your secret recovery phrase given in the next step.

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4. Reveal & Confirm your “secret recovery phrase”

This step is the most important.